Carnival Funds

Carnival week is now almost a distant memory and it’s now time for the committee to share out the monies that everyone kindly donated throughout the carnival week, be it from sponsorship, buying raffle tickets, or attending and event.

If you are a Sway organisations or group and would like to apply for funding for a project, for needed items, or for any other reason please email details of your request to  or by post to our treasurer Sue Howard at Green Pastures Pitmore Lane Sway SO41 8LL.

 We are always pleased to welcome new faces onto the committee – new faces/new ideas. We meet monthly. If you would like to help but feel being on the committee is not for you perhaps you could offer your services during carnival week  as it is a very busy time for us all. Please contact the chair –Pam Wade on wadesof or 682017

Ruth Conway for Sway Carnival Committee

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