Upcoming Events
Sway Carnival are looking for volunteers to help at Carnival 2025.
If you fancy joining the team and / or would like to help out at one event or with one of the many tasks that make Carnival what is is, please see contact details on the below poster.
Our Circus Parade
This years Carnival Theme is 'Our Carnival Parade' and runs between 4th and 13th July.
Latest News
It’s currently a very strange and challenging world but in spite of this the carnival committee are still planning to hold some events this year to give us all something to look forward to. We are planning events that could happen if the restrictions remain as they are currently, and if they ease then we will add more as and when we know.
More details will be posted later but at the moment we are planning : The scarecrow display , a children’s walking treasure hunt, an adult walking treasure hunt , a family scavenger hunt , a talent show ( possibly online ) and possibly garage sales.
A new event which you may wish to get involved in soon will be making bunting to decorate your house either in the windows or outside. While you are confined at home you may want to make a start; sewing, knitting, painting or using whatever medium you wish, in any shape or form. We are aiming to have a Sway totally decorated in bunting of all sorts.
Finally we would like to say a huge thank you to Kirsten for her magnificent efforts with the advent windows and for raising over £1500 which she has given to our committee to distribute for the benefit of sway families.
CARNIVAL 2020 - Cancelled!
Sway Carnival is about the community of Sway coming together for a week of fun. Unfortunately coming together is the last thing we should be doing at the moment and for the foreseeable future. So with regret, like the olympics, we are postponing Sway Carnival until the week starting 2nd July 2021. We were well on the way to preparing an exciting full programme of events, so we intend to transfer it all to our new future dates.
We do hope that when life returns to normal the Carnival committee, along with other village clubs and businesses can put our energy into instigating a grand Sway Village celebration event.
An idea of a creative and enjoyable thing to do while isolating at home. Why not make a Cheerful Charlie scarecrow for your garden? A new friend, who will make you all smile , a great activity to do with or without the children! I will put the details of an easy way make one on our Facebook page and also on the carnival website, straw or hay is not essential! Maybe we can share and upload photos of them on Facebook , rather than us advertise where they are. It could be fun, but it must be safe. If you happen to see one..... Smile
Stay safe everyone. Remember Sway Carnival is not cancelled, merely postponed. It will return bigger and better!
Pam Wade
Walking Treasure Hunt
For those of you that are still looking for the answers to the clues of the Walking Treasure Hunt.
Questions, answers and pictures can be found here. Answers.
Thank you to all who took part, hopefully you're not still wandering around the village trying to crack a clue or two.
Sway 5 Results
Sway 5 Results can be found here: Sway 5 Results
Congratultions to all that completed this years race
First Male: Sam Costley
First Female: Kath Bailey
And a big thank you to all those that helped on the day.
Carnival 2019
This year’s Carnival theme is - UNDER THE SEA
Following on from resident feedback your Carnival committee have made some big changes to this year’s Carnival schedule.
This year the Fete will be merged with the Family Fun Day and will be held on the first Saturday of Carnival week – June 29th.
The procession will move to the final Saturday – 6th July and begin at 5.30pm.
Sway Boule will now be the final event on Sunday – 7th July, where we will also be making the draw for the Grand Raffle.
Did you know that in 2002 three Sway organisations received donations totalling £600. Last year (2018) a total of £4,300 was donated to 23 Sway organisations. Very impressive progress! So, let’s see if in 2019 it will see rise even higher!
Further details can be found on the Carnival Facebook Page